My second trip to Denver in three months. I'm so happy to be here. I always feel a bit different when I'm in Colorado, like I'm meant to be here. I'm so at ease, comfortable, feel so much more like myself.
It's here that I am at my most...prolific? I think that's the word I'm looking for. I am inspired by the beautiful scenery, the bustle of the city, the encounters I have here, and, by far, the people here that I know and love. If I could capture all of that in a bottle, I could live anywhere, open the bottle whenever I run out of inspiration. When I'm here, I feel like I can do anything, like nothing is out of my reach. In fact, just today, while mulling over the fact that, if I really want to be a tenured college professor someday, I will be working my little fanny off for, well, years to come, just being here, surrounded by the people who inspire me and educate me, guide me and love me, the prospect of someday spending many, many months writing a dissertation and going for my Ph.D. is not, in fact, out of the realm of possibility for me.
When I am at the place most people would consider my hometown - a place I like to call, affectionately, Nowheresville - I feel small, insignificant, incapable and unable to do these things. Colorado seems to allow my mind to soar, me to finally see my full potential, and actually realize that, while said potential lies untapped for now, someday, it will bloom, and the world will see me for who I really am - a Coloradoan :)
I want to tie myself to this place, handcuff one arm to the landmarks here, the other to the people I never want to lose. It's the feeling I get when I'm here, the freedom that I experience, the freedom of ideas, the freedom of feeling, the freedom of truly being who I truly am and who I truly want to be.
Now all I need is a very, very large bottle.